The reason for this one-two punch is that as humans learn to fight bacteria using antibiotics, bacteria learn to fight back, each new strain using new techniques to survive the medical assault of the drugs. Humans and bacteria are in an ongoing arms race, and our careless use of drugs has only increased the speed of the race.
Where antibiotics should be preserved as a last choice, they have become a first choice to vets pressured to provide quick fixes in circumstances which would be better addressed through slower, more natural treatments, first.
Clavamox cats may experience side effects such as nausea, loose stools, and dizziness. The clavamox will not only attack the bacteria in the cat's urinary tract, but may kill off many of the same strains living in the digestive tract. This is not a great side effect, or some sort of added benefit.
The primary bacteria of UTIs is e.coli, accidentally transferred to your cat's urinary tract during grooming. Growing in the wrong environment the e.coli can cause serious problems, but in the digestive tract they are natural and help maintain normal digestive functions. Using clavamox for cat's UTI infections fails to protect the bacteria growing where they belong in the effort to eliminate them where they do not belong.
If your cat has a serious UTI it may be necessary to prescribe clavamox. A bad UTI is dangerous enough to your cat's health and survival that there may be no better way to handle the problem. However it is wise to supplement with natural homeopathic formulas taken from alternative medical traditions...and once the outbreak is under control it is vital to adapt your care of the cat to ensure that further outbreaks don't occur. Repeated rounds of clavamox for cats places stress on the cat and increases the odds of a resistant strain of bacteria developing.
The most important tools you have in changing your pet's life are food, water, and supplements. Using these you can adjust pH, strengthen the immune system, heal minor irritations of the urinary tract, flush out bacteria, kill germs before they can start colonies, and ensure comfort and well being.
Avoiding clavamox for cats in most instances, reserving it for rare, severe outbreaks of infection, allows you and your cat to experience a natural health without the need to turn to antibiotics over and over, in a chronic cycle of infection and medication -- with all the ills either can cause. Whatever approach you choose, but sure to do it in consultation with your veterinarian since urination problems can be very dangerous for cats.
Jeff Grill is an editor of the []Cat Health Guide and has written on many feline health problems. See this site for more information on natural supplements that can be considered in addition to []clavamox for cats.
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